About Us

Darul Ilm Tuition: Nurturing Minds, Inspiring Futures

Understand us our objective

Darul Ilm

Darul Ilm Tuition is part of Darul Ilm Birmingham. Established in 2013, Darul Ilm Birmingham is actively involved in the local community; offering short courses on a regular basis, engaging in community projects and establishing activities for the youth. For more information about the courses and activities at Darul Ilm Birmingham, please follow the link below:
Learn from the World's Experts

Meet our Tutors

Our tutors have a wealth of teaching experience. Their expertise can help your child reach their optimum potential.  

Mrs Choudhury

Education: BA English University of Birmingham and PGCE Primary University of Birmingham.

Employment: Qualified Teacher
With a passion for teaching, Mrs Choudhury believes knowledge is power!

“From a young age I have always loved to study, and now as a teacher I hope to instil the love of learning in my students.”

Mr Khan

Education: BA Accountancy

Employment: Accountant
Problem-solving and always in the pursuit of a new challenge!

“In order to be successful in life, work hard and play hard. In other words, put your heart and soul in everything you do! ”

Our greatest acheivement

Education for Everyone

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